ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences
The solution
that regulates
quality, and safety.
Today, business information represents the real strategic asset of an organization. Technology must allow their management in support of the business, making them available everywhere and promoting an objective assessment that enables to plan improvements and timely actions.
Our offer is ADIUTO, an effective solution that manages documents and data flows in a scalable way.
Above all, it fixes most of the critical processes of a company by digitalizing them. The solution is scalable and grows with the company from a dimensional point of view as well.
ADIUTO is a modular solution customizable according to the organizational model and the procedural needs.
The application allows the management of internal processes through the use of advanced workflows.
The program can control all the processes across different departments, improving people’s efficiency and productivity.
ADIUTO for regulated processes is ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences, the vertical solution that integrates the document management flows and Quality Assurance processes in a regulated environment.
The solution is equipped with Audit Trail and Electronic Signature functionalities in compliance with the 21 CFR Part 11 requirements of the FDA and the EU-GMP – Annex 11. ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences has been developed in accordance with GAMP 5.
for every need
Process management – Work immediately at the highest levels.
ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences supports and monitors the processes by managing activities in a complementary way to the current business applications, becoming their natural extension.
Some functionalities are:
- Creation of processes, sub-processes, conditions, parallel activities, deadlines, alerts and integrations with other systems
- Creation of modules, checklists and dynamic forms to support every activity of the Quality management processes
- Creation of lists of tasks to be executed against processes
- Group and function management, data extraction audit
- Management and traceability of GMP processes: CAPA, Change Control, Deviations/Non-Compliances, Complaints, Customer Inspections and so on
Document management – Everything just a click away.
ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences offers the necessary tools to store and retrieve paper and electronic documents, acquired from external systems or produced by company’s IT management systems.
- User and safety management
- Search function, category creation, and document management in any format
- Management of the drafting, verification, approval and release phases of the documents and the different versions
- Management of digital and paper distribution of documents
- Traceability, controlled printing of documents and tools for print reconciliation
- Management and traceability of GMP documents: SOPs and Operating Instructions, Forms, validation/qualification Protocols, Manuals, Methods and so on
HR Management – Manage people’s training and updating.
The release of new procedures in the company requires training activities for the operators. Adiuto provides a series of features that allow you to:
- Define training plans
- Keep track of who has attended training and when
- Automatically generate training request based on qualification and position in the company
- Manage customized training plans
The solution also allows managing Electronic Billing and Digital Signature.
ADIUTO/ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences may be configured accordingly with the processes already present in your company. Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, your teams will quickly accept it. Its use brings an unquestionable and proven increase of efficiency in decision-making and production processes, with an improvement in the internal organization, and in the relations with the suppliers or with the regulatory bodies. ADIUTO/ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences projects stand out for their fast deployment times, reduced change management needs, and competitive costs.
Nothing is preconfigured. ADIUTO/ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences is like a blank sheet of paper designed and composed together with you: the ability to “tailor-make” processes in a simple way is one of our most valuable assets.
ADIUTO is also available as solutions directly integrated into Infor ERP Blending, allowing document sharing and interaction in business processes such as, within ADIUTO 4 Life Sciences for example, to detect and manage deviation procedures or access analytical methods in the LIMS.